A review by novelesque_life
Kiss Me That Way by Laura Trentham


(Cottonbloom: #1)
Written by Laura Trentham
2016; St. Martin’s Press Paperbacks (324 Pages)
Genre: series, fiction, contemporary, romance, small town

Rating: ★★★

Cade Fournette was born and raised on the Louisiana side of Cottonbloom, where life has not been easy for him and his siblings. When his parents died in an accident, Cade was left to raise his younger siblings, while having everyone expecting him to fail. He does find success once he leaves Cottonbloom behind but left behind his family and maybe his heart. Cade return home and realizes just what his departure had meant.

Monroe Kirby, a physical therapist, also volunteers her time to help girls learn self defense. Many years ago Monroe could have used this training and wants to make sure other girls have it. Cade had come to her rescue and became somewhat of a protector. When he left Cottonbloom without saying goodbye she thought she would never see him again.

Cade has turned to Monroe for her therapy and soon the two discover that the feelings they had all those years ago may have never extinguished.

I found that the first book was great in setting up the town and characters. I gave this book a three because I felt like while it was a good read there wasn't anything exceptional or unique to set it apart. The story between Cade and Monroe has been done before and while I liked them, I found the chemistry was just so-so. The secondary characters also seemed to have more characterization than the hero and heroine. I am looking forward to he next book which I hope is Nash and Tally's story.

***I received an eARC from the PUBLISHER via NETGALLEY***

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