A review by rotellareads
Starry-Eyed Love, by Helena Hunting


I didn't love London's character in Spark House book 1 but I decided to give this story a try because I really did adore her sisters and the life they'd created and the bond they shared. I found London to be so much more tollerable in Starry-Eyed Love, really growing on me over the course of the read. I found the slow burn romance between her and the MMC to be quite believable and super sweet. They clearly had chemistry and were trying their hardest to hold back while they maintained a professional relationship. His CEO status and bazillion dollar empire never really effected their authentic feelings for one another, which I appreciated.

The deep dive into the innerworkings of Spark House gave a greater understanding of exactly how much pressure the 3 sisters were under and I quite liked it when things finally boiled over and feelings were hurt. Harley and London had let Avery run the show and walk all over them for too long! It was nice to see them finally stand up for what THEY needed/wanted!

The plot twist was a little weak and the 3rd act break up was pretty ridiculous. But I did love the fact that for once, it really wasnt either MC who had to do some groveling (no spoilers, sorry!). The end of the book redeemed itself and I was so happy for a HEA. Now lets get to Harley's story because I cannot wait to see her get her HEA!