A review by zlaza
Rebel Girls Climate Warriors: 25 Tales of Women Who Protect The Earth by Rebel Girls


I've read all the Rebel Girl books and loved them, including this one. Climate Warriors is a great new addition to the series.
I wasn't familiar with all the women featured in Climate Warriors, so I was really excited to learn more about them. My favourite thing about these books is how diverse and inclusive they are, and this one was no exception.
Climate Warriors features 25 inspirational and influential women from all over the world, who are fighting for climate justice and doing their best to protect our planet in their own inventive way.
There's a page with information and a story for each activist, and a page beside it with a gorgeous illustration of them. They've also added a bonus feature with QR codes you can scan for additional information in audio form. It's perfect for those who want to learn more about each warrior.
It's an informative book with an important message, and it's perfect for children of all ages, and adults.

Thank you to NetGalley and Rebel Girls for providing me with a digital ARC of this book in exchange for my review.