A review by kim_a
Be Good: How to Navigate the Ethics of Everything by Randy Cohen


'Be Good' brings together a selection of Randy Cohen's 'The Ethicist' columns in the New York Times, covering twelve years and a wide range of ethical dilemmas, from sports, to 9/11 and civic life. Like any regular feature, not every column is a winner (although I only outright disagreed with one of Cohen's responses, but I can't remember what it was about so maybe it wasn't so important). While reading, there were many points where I either laughed, shouted with indignation, or paused to think, 'Huh, how would I respond to this?' On that alone, I recommend reading this book, particularly as a group. As one regular column reader did with their family, I recommend gathering your nearest and dearest around you and set out to read one column a day. Debate it furiously and see where it leads. It beats reading it by yourself and then boring your husband as you try to recount the dilemma and Cohen's pithy and/or facetious response. It can only improve your moral reasoning, debating skills, and family bonds. Maybe.