A review by andimontgomery
The Uninvited by Cat Winters


I had high hopes for this novel after enjoying In the Shadow of Blackbirds. However, sadly, The Uninvited fell flat for me.

The story tells of Ivy, who leaves her parents' home quite suddenly after she learns her dad and brother killed a local German shop owner. Yes, the story is told in 1918 during the war, when hatred for the Germans was strong. Ivy is saddened and ashamed by her family's act, and tries to alleviate her own moral burden by apologizing to the man's brother, Daniel.

From there, Ivy begins an expected relationship with Daniel while boarding with a local war widow. There's also a flu epidemic going on which has killed many of the local residents. She begins helping two Red Cross volunteers with driving their ambulance at night, picking up those sick from the flu. She also finds solace in a local jazz club.

I enjoyed the beginning and ending, but most of the middle left me disinterested. I found myself skipping a lot of chapters due to my boredom. I'm glad I stuck with it to the end, however, because the ending was a shocker.