A review by laura_cs
A Highlander Is Coming to Town: A Highland, Georgia Novel by Laura Trentham


I received an ARC of this title from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Move over, Santa. This year, a man in a kilt is coming to town...

Former lead singer for the Scottish rock band, the Scunners, Claire is hiding out in Highland, Georgia, while sorting out some personal issues. She dreads her inevitable return to Scotland, where she must face her distant parents and determine--once and for all--if she is ready and willing to lead the life they want for her. In the meantime, she's staying as the live-in caretaker for Ms. Meadows, an elderly widow with a lot of spunk. She doesn't have the time or inclination to get involved with anyone, let alone Holt Pierson. Especially Holt Pierson, because Ms. Meadows can't stand him.

All around nice guy and Highland's golden boy (and recent Laird of the Games at the Highlands Scottish Fair) Holt Pierson finds Ms. Meadows' less-than-friendly views on him to be fair. After all, his father had been harassing the old woman about buying her property since Holt was small. And he hasn't exactly been that good of a neighbor to her, especially when she needs it the most. But he's determined to change that. And, no, not just because she now has a really pretty girl living with her. Of course not. He's not interested in Claire. Except, he really, really is...

Can Holt and Claire get a Christmas miracle? And will the first annual Highland Burns Festival be a success? And what's wrong with Anna Maitland?

A fantastic conclusion to the Highland trilogy, "A Highlander is Coming to Town" is wonderfully Christmassy and festive despite the warm weather that Highland can't escape (living in Georgia's neighboring state, South Carolina, I feel ya...). This is a beautiful final trip to Highland, where we get to see a whole new Scottish festival, see familiar faces again, and catch up on all the latest gossip of the small town. And, more importantly, we finally get to see Holt in a leading role, and getting all the romance he deserves! Plus, Scottish accents and kilts. What's not to love? (There's a particular chapter that is near and dear to my heart, featuring Holt and Iain attempting--and failing--to cook. It is the best thing I have ever read.)