A review by thevreads
Sherlock Holmes and The Molly Boy Murders by Margaret Walsh


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Sherlock Holmes and the Molly-Boy murders by Margaret Walsh is set in 19th century London. This book is indeed a treat for those who love Sherlock Holmes .
There is a serial killer out there roaming freely and killing people or rather Trans people in a brutal manner. Sherlock and Dr. Watson along with inspector Lestrade should find the killer before he wrecks more havoc.
The author has done her homework about Victorian London and it really shows in the book. Writing through Watson's point of view just like the original series is something I really appreciated.
The rather dry humor of Dr. Watson and his relationship with Sherlock Holmes was portrayed very nicely. The writing style was neat and the vivid description of the scenes added more beauty to the book. Forensic details were noteworthy and it didn't feel like too much.
The main reason I loved this book is because of the fact that the author showed her feminist side here. The references of how women were not allowed to vote or how a man dressed as a woman was being laughed at. Being a transgender was such a rare incident back then that most people didn't even know it was real. But as the story goes on characters started accepting them and also stopped viewing women as dumb and weak.
I would totally recommend it to all the Sherlockians!!