A review by gabrielavmarques
Y: The Last Man - The Deluxe Edition Book One, by Brian K. Vaughan


A creative and interesting premise: After a mysterious catastrophe single male on earth just suddenly drops dead. And now women have not only to deal with the emotional trauma, chaos, and devastation left behind but find a way to re-organize the world after half of its population has died.

The story is well written and thought-provoking, well scripted and the artwork is pleasant. However, a lot of the decisions and plot developments just don't make that much sense to me. Additionally, the main character Yorick, the actual last man on earth is so very dumb, annoying, and judgmental, and so high and mighty that I was fighting the urge to skip his dialogue bubbles.

Still, it is an interesting premise so I am curious to proceed with the series and see what develops.