A review by helterskelliter
Whip Smart by Melissa Febos


“I thought for a long time that my driving force was my intrinsic curiosity about strangers and all the illicit things other people do. I thought I sat on the outside, observing, manipulating, and drawing conclusions. I was wrong.” (2)

A truly fascinating, eye-opening, and deeply unsettling book about Febos’ time working as a professional dominatrix in NYC while attending school and grappling with a heroin addiction. This story explores the intoxicating nature of not only our own compulsions and needs but also the addictive quality of other people’s compulsions, neuroses, and obsessions.

We are all addicted to something, whether we admit it or not.

If we don’t confront these dark desire and needs, we are neglecting essential parts of ourselves and starving them of the attention they need. Secrets can be fun to hold inside but only so long as they don’t fester and consume us. Sooner or later, you have to come clean — to yourself.

Highly recommend! I unexpectedly enjoyed this book~