A review by moniquemanike
Eyes of Desire by Raymond Luczak


I found this book in my work's library which is open to the public so if anyone would like to borrow it let me know :)

This book was a brilliant introduction into the amazing history of deaf gay and lesbian culture in the US! It's published by the same company that published A Persistent Desire and includes poetry, prose and interviews from lesbian, bisexual and gay people who are deaf. Written in 1993, I'm sure it's very dated now but I enjoyed reading about this quite specific moment in time. Writers discussed a really wide range of topics - how they discovered their sexual identities, overcoming barriers to communication in a sound-based world, what it means to be black, gay and deaf, dating and cruising when deaf, navigating relationships with deaf people, navigating relationships with hearing people, interpreting and the motives of hearing people who get involved with the deaf community, the diversity of identities that fall under the label 'deaf', how the HIV/AIDS epidemic of the 1980's affected the deaf community in the US, dealing with abuse and sexual assault, navigating consent and sex and so much more.