A review by livy22
A Clash of Steel: A Treasure Island Remix by C.B. Lee


4 stars

Despite not being familiar with the original Treasure Island, I absolutely flew through this sapphic remix by C.B. Lee. Since I'm a character-driven reader, Xiang and Anh's relationship stuck out as the driving force of this novel. They had so much chemistry, plus I just love dynamics where one of them is a thief. The plot and the writing were both compelling, and this is the first pirate book I've read and fully enjoyed (not usually a fan). If you like historical fiction, or are a fan of books like Fable by Adrienne Young, you'll likely love this book. Clash of Steel works great as a standalone, but I selfishly want to read more of their story. Would recommend!

Release Date: Sept. 7, 2021