A review by javalenciaph
Undressed by Avery Aster


Disclaimer: I received this ebook from the author via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

"Undressed" is the first book in "The Manhattanites" series by Avery Aster and tells the story of Alexandra "Lex" Easton, a fashion designer from Manhattan and owner of Easton Essentials, and Prince Massimo "Masi" Tittoni, an actual royal and owner of fabric factory Girasoli. Both have had less than ideal childhoods and have experienced the loss of at least one parent. Their respective companies are in business together, with Girasoli providing top fabrics to Easton Essentials; however, after a missed payment and with Girasoli planning to enter the world of fashion design, Lex makes a last ditch effort to get her fabrics by flying to Isola di Girasoli in hopes of persuading Prince Tittoni to change his mind. After a bumpy start, the mutual attraction between the two lead characters is undeniable and thus begins the back and forth, both personally and professionally.

This was a fun read and while the sexual banter between Lex and Masi tended to be quite crude, especially on Lex's part, the story stayed light and not overly dramatic. There were a couple of moments during the sex scenes that had me raising my eyebrows in disbelief, thinking to myself, "Seriously? Is that even humanly possible?!" But hey, just because someone hasn't personally experienced something doesn't mean no one else has so I'll give those moments the author the benefit of the doubt. Hehe.

The characters, both lead and supporting, were fairly well-developed, though I did feel that they could have evolved better throughout the story. There was also no actual resolution to Lex's dysfunctional relationship with her mother, Birdie.

On the downside, the "sound effects", the dogs going "woof, woof", and the constant "bella" calling may have been overdone. There were times I wanted to actually make both Lex and Masi stop talking, especially during the sex scenes, because the "pillow talk" was a bit much. There were also a few editing issues but nothing overly distracting.

Avery Aster shows potential as a writer as she's able to bring together an interesting story and likable characters that kept me reading from beginning 'til the end. "Undressed" gets 3.5 stars from me, rounded off to four stars for Goodreads' purposes. ^.^ Book two in the series, "Unscrupulous", is next up on my list.