A review by writingcoe
Fight Like A Girl by Kim Lakin-Smith, K.R. Green, Julia Knight, Juliet E. McKenna, Nadine West, Dolly Garland, Kelda Crich, Joanne Hall, Fran Terminiello, Sophie E. Tallis, Gaie Sebold, Lou Morgan, Danie Ware, Roz Clarke


There isn't a single story in this anthology that isn't worth reading. The wide variety of genres and voices is brilliant; it makes every story a new read, and it's a stunning and wonderful collection. The theme isn't hammered in; every story just happens to contain fighting women, but the other characters - men, aliens, gods, humans - are just as compelling.

My favourite is Lou Morgan's Archer 57 for the incredibly simple concept and brilliant writing, but Vocho's Night Out by Julia Knight (which made me laugh), The Women's Song by Nadine Andie and Two Sides by Juliet E McKenna were very close seconds; all brilliant, all interesting, and all excellent writing.

Joanne Hall's Arrested Development was unsettling; Unnatural History by Danie Ware had a tint of China Mieville's weird new in it; and Sophie E Tallis' sci-fi story was poignant and rage-filled. The Cold Wind Oozes was a brilliant take on the world, both here and not, with the Mother Commander as one who makes the hardest choices...I've only mentioned half the stories but believe me, they're all worth reading.

Plus, the cover glows under UV light! It's not quite "oooh shiny" but I think "oooh glowy!" is a pretty good call. So overall...I love it. This is a collection from some of the best writers in the genre, and it really shows!