A review by dancinghooves27
Come The Night by Susan Krinard


Where to begin with this... Main female protagonist sucked, end of story. Okay, okay, that was a bit unfair since I couldn't finish the book. Which is a very rare occurrence mind you. I just couldn't connect to her and I tried very hard, but she just lacked a back bone whenever it came to facing up to her father over decisions concerning her son and she was just always frigid and cold towards the main male protagonist that I just couldn't believe any kind of romance springing between the two. Being cordial to each other when their son was in the room? Yes, would buy that. Romantic nights at the beach? No way. Also the stupid human who actually thought he would win any sway among the werewolves was just too laughable. So yeah, I would say skip if you want to avoid disappointment in characters and any semblance of a believable story.