A review by mferrante83
Die and Stay Dead by Nicholas Kaufmann


Die and Stay Dead expands upon the elements introduced in the first book. Where Dying Is My Business introduces the mystery of Trent’s Die and Stay Dead looks towards answering that mystery more directly. Kaufmann leans heavily on several misdirects throughout the second novel in this regard though none were quite enough to keep me from guessing the truth. Where Dying is My Business set up the prophecy of the Immortal Storm, Die and Stay Dead seems to bring it to fruition; much to the utter dismay of our heroes and the population of New York. Kaufmann once again demonstrates an adept ability to insert wonderful character-driven moments into the middle of huge epic scenes of magic and mayhem. All in all Die and Stay Dead doubles down on the action of the first novel going so far as to end on a bit of a cliffhanger that seems to promise a third novel that pulls out all of the stops. If you are looking for a new urban fantasy series to try I highly recommend giving Nicholas Kaufmann’s Trent novels a shot. I can’t wait to see how events play out in the third novel.