A review by anovelstart
Serious Leigh by Melanie James


I really liked this book, same as the first in the series. It's original and full of surprises throughout. However, something was missing so it only got 3 stars not four. I still think (like the last book) that it's more of a 3.5 stars though. It's still one of my favourite books.

You can't beat the storyline, we now have a Witches Union to contend with, Leigh must do as they say because they're the top dogs. Which means write what they want written. They're actually a bit of a thorn in the side. Leigh also has a "mentor" now to help her learn the ropes, however I do use this term loosely, ha ha.

This book is highly entertaining, Leigh gets in even more trouble with her writing than before - metaphors are very bad!! She can't write any metaphors or they're taken literally when they happen in our world, I thought this was a nice twist.

The romance between Leigh and Hunter is going well, despite it's setbacks and challenges. It's actually an interesting aspect of the story to watch their relationship develop, especially since she knows he'll be going away to police school soon.

Also, her cat Luna is absolutely adorable! She's got it down to a T. I'm a cat owner myself and she has the quirks and mannerisms just right to make the cat spring into life.

The storyline is very well thought out, I love it! My only disappointment is I'm now going to have to wait for the next book to be published. But hey-ho! That's a good thing right?

This book is very exciting and easy to read. It'd make an excellent bed-time casual read or for holiday. I'd recommend it to lovers of supernatural romance, witch-themed stories, and drama.

If you liked my review, please visit my blog: http://a-novel-start.blogspot.co.uk/