A review by beckiebookworm1974
Into Darkness by C.A. Rene


This second book really amped up the darkness factor as Ember finally embraced her darkness completely, she’s definitely one girl you don’t want to mess with.
This had plenty of action and Ember and Vin have moved up to the next level in their relationship and are now completely solid together.
He understands and accepts Embers need for blood and vengeance and stands by his girl completely, he just gets her and his love is unconditional.

A lot does happen here and we get some new players added to the mix in the form of Embers brothers to further shake things up.
As for Embers besties well we didn’t get to see that much of Adri here and what we did see I wasn’t really a fan of but Travis did come into his own and it’s very apparent that he’s been holding a great deal back, surprisingly it’s Vin that picks up the slack here stepping up and coming through for his brother despite there previous volatile history.

This had twists and turns combined with plenty of steamy heat.
It had a definite darker vibe compared to the first book and discounting that finale and the events preceding we really just skated the lines between black and white right or wrong here these markers are totally obliterated and smashed to smithereens.
Ember is like the angel of death personified and those who face her wrath better beware.

I’m really liking this series a lot it’s bloody and violent and Ember is all things psychotic but I can’t help but like her and she has such a big heart for those she calls hers.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm