A review by subhamroxx
Aquaman Vol. 2: Amnesty by Kelly Sue DeConnick


Arthur goes to Mother Shark and from there he learns of his secret origins and all that and its epic the way its done, we through little glimpses come to know his full origin and his secret meeting with Mera when he was supposed to be done and having found out about his unborn child and what happened to him and Mera and ow he reached this island, whatever is going on with Mera, us coming to Amnesty and learning the history of the Island also and then a meeting with Aqualad and monsters attacking and Arthur being challenged on all sides and the return of a massive character in Amnesty Bay history. Excellent volume and this adds a lot of history to Amnesty Island and sets up great thing for Black Manta thanks to YOTV! Soon Mecha action and Arthur will be challenged on all sides The art still continues to impress and the writing even more so!