A review by sandraagee
The Underneath by Kathi Appelt


I just didn't care for this book. I gave it three stars only because I have to acknowledge that the writing is mostly solid. But here are my beefs with this book:

1) The every synopsis of this book makes it sound like the story is about these cats and the dog. But really, they get only a very small amount of page time. The story is really about Grandmother Mocassin and her crabbyness - that's where all of the character development and interesting plot twists were found. I guess this isn't a bad thing, but the book just wasn't really focused on what I expected it to be focused on.
2) This book was super-repetative. Seriously, if I see the phrases "A thousand years ago" or "If you ask the trees" again, I just might kill someone. I really felt like this book could have been condensed by getting rid of a few unnecessary, repetative, boring chapters, cutting its length in half.
3) Lord, it was depressing. Not a single good thing happens in this whole book, I swear. Oppressively depressing, like the kind that just makes you want to shoot yourself in the foot.
4) I have absolutely no idea who I'd give this book to. Maybe to some kid who's really looking for something sad and is desperate for a cry. But that's it.