A review by rwaringcrane
Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes by William Bridges


Engaging wisdom for navigating the inevitable in life -- change. I read this book as background for writing The Small Guide to Life's Big Changes. My focus is the practices that healthy people to use in times of change, so I found William's work with individuals in transition very helpful. Happily, I own a copy and underlined with abandon.

No coincidence I'm sure, but as I read, I realized that I am processing my own transitions -- as a writer completing a project, as well as a human revisiting some unfinished business from previous transitions. The three phases Williams outlines 1) death 2) the neutral zone and 3) new beginning gave me a framework for what I face and insight into some of the feelings that well up as I do the work of the messy neutral zone.

Along with varied stories of people Williams worked with in his first Transition Seminar, references to mythic stories enlivened the text and made for an interesting as well as instructive read.