A review by melodicfate
Dark Symphony by Christine Feehan


3.5 stars.

A Carpathian book without any vampire hunting made a nice change, as did the blind and not-thin heroine. I loved that Antonietta had independence, and that she was shown to be such a strong character. I disliked some things related to her blindness, and found other parts quite relatable. Byron was a gentle man, but could be protective and dangerous when need be. Antonietta's family was complicated, and I went back and forth on my feelings for them multiple times. I never guessed the villains, and the romance was well-done. The pace dragged for me a bit, and I'm a little sad about how some things worked out with Antonietta's conversion, but that's okay. This wasn't a standout for me in the series, but again, it was a nice way to change things up with the addition of more creatures, a hero who wasn't a vampire hunter by nature, and a heroine with a disability.