A review by novellybritt
A Safe Space by E.M. Tippetts


I requested this book on NetGalley and was lucky and got accepted. Having never read any of Tippett's previous books, I was worried that I wouldn't be caught up on the character's lives before I started reading. Luckily, you don't need to read the previous books to be able to keep up with this.

You have Lizzie Warner, former Nickelodeon child star who is trying to make her mark as a serious actress and singer. She has two best friends, Kyra and Zach, and an estranged mother who lives in Australia.Then we have Devon, Lizzie and Kyra's personal trainer, who is kind of a jerk, but you see slowly has a soft side. Lizzie starts to have feelings for Devon, and their relationship is so flip-flopped through out this book. Lizzie lives for charity work with her sick fans and is constantly trying to seek help and treatment for the patients. A major plot twist forms and you'll be constantly back and forth with romance, friendship and loyalty.

I did like this book and I loved the characters. Tippett's really put thought into the plot and you can tell that there was a reason for everything written. As I said previously, this was my first
book by Tippetts but it definitely won't be my last.