A review by minkslaughter
Ballistic by Marko Kloos


Do yourself a favour, and wait until June 2021 to start this. Or, fine, don't listen to me (no one does), go ahead, start it now and suffer for a year wondering what happens next in a story that only starts taking off at the end of this book. This is unequivocally Act 2 of a three act show. Like the last book, we're still seeing a lot of set up, but I found I continued to find it all intensely compelling. The four parallel stories that make up the books so far are interesting in themselves but also intersect with and fold into each other in a way that really drew my full attention. You get different pieces of a much larger mystery added by the four characters, and I'd really like to get to the bottom of said mystery. Sigh. I guess I'll be rereading these in April 2020 in anticipation of book 3.