A review by sadiecass
Branded by Abi Ketner, Missy Kalicicki


1st person-present tense POV always grates on my nerves, but the storyline was so fascinating I kept reading.

I really enjoyed the premise of this. I was also fascinated as to why on earth Lexi was treated different than others. I feared she'd suffer a horrible fate, but the dedication of those around her kept her afloat.

Lexi's inner strength despite the horrible hands fate has dealt her is impressive. I enjoyed her growth and the relationship with Cole.

There was one part I didn't like, most notably how her brother treated her, and how Cole treated her when they got to her brother. I get that the whole situation was difficult, but I really skimmed the whole portion with her ass brother and her training. I didn't like her brother enough to care and got bored.

*Side note: there were some major editing and formatting issues, but I did not mark down any stars for that, but felt I needed to note them. It did make it more difficult to read and detracted some from my enjoyment of the whole story.