A review by ipross
Love Slave for Two by Tymber Dalton


Let's put it this way... I liked it enough to finish it. The story concept was interesting and compelling, however, I had serious issues with a couple things that continued to frustrate me throughout the entire story.

The guys rescue Nevvie from an abusive situation. I get that. But I would think they would want to ensure she can protect herself. Instead they spend the rest of the book pampering her and treating her like she's fragile. My biggest pet peeve in books has always been weak women. Nevvie has zero backbone. The old saying What doesn't kill you makes you stronger does not apply to Nevvie. Instead in her case, what didn't kill her made her a weak willed whinner who depends on others to save her over and over again. It would have been a much better story if in the end she didn't have to have Thomas and Tyler save her yet again. If she were able to actually save herself for once.

It also bothered me that Nevvie seems to have come between Thomas and Tyler. She mentions more than once her deeper connection with Tyler. The guys are willing to give each other up in order to keep her! This bothered me.

Annoying heroine aside, I did enjoy reading this and look forward to more from this author. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a stronger heroine in the future though.