A review by pagesplotsandpints
The Perfect Mother by Aimee Molloy


Read Completed 10/24/23 | 3.5, rounded up

I picked this up on a whim because it was a Goodreads list as one of the best thrillers of 2018 (I'm desperate for new, good thrillers)... I enjoyed it! I wasn't super amazed by the first half of the book but the author did a great job at peppering in some interesting moments to keep the reader hooked. Without those little tidbits, I might have become bored or given up on this book, but they really kept me going and kept this feeling like a thriller. 

The middle was a lot of questioning what was going on and the ladies of the mom group trying to investigate. It did drag just a bit, but ultimately, I was curious what happened and knew there had to be more beneath the surface. 

Thankfully, the ending delivered for me! Some of it was maybe slightly over the top, but it was exactly the surprise I wanted. Maybe if I had been trying to pick things apart more, I would have seen it coming, but like many thrillers, I was happy to be listening to the audiobook and doing other things so my brain was partially occupied and I wasn't trying to figure out ALL the twists. 

This was my first Aimee Molloy book and it looks like her newest thriller, GOODNIGHT BEAUTIFUL (2020) is very well received so I'm excited to read that!