A review by redentrapy
Enchantment by Charlotte Abel


This book was hard for me to get into. In the beginning I would have given it a 2 but the twist at the end of the book pushed it up to a 3. The twist at the end of the book took me by surprise I wasn't expecting it.

Plot: This book is about a girl mage named Enchantment (aka Channie) whose father ends up owing a blood debt to the Veyjivik clan after a bet went awry. The Veyjivik's want to hunt down his entire family. They go into hiding. But Channie's parents are worried that her power-name Enchantment will get her in trouble with boys so they change her power name to Chastity. Now every time Enchantment gets too close to a boy with lustful feelings she curses them. Only problem is she's fallen in love with a boy named Josh and the only way to be with him is to break Chastity's hold on her which can only be done with the help of the Book of the Dead the most dangerous and powerful spell book. She will have to sacrifice everything to be with Josh. The only question is will she? The plot was a great and original concept but it wasn't executed right. It was slow, repetitive, and down right boring at times. The ending was good though. It was strong and interesting. The book was choppy and made no sense at all in places. Most of the book was about how Channie and Josh couldn't touch and them complaining about it. 80% of the book was like that and it got old after a while.

Now my biggest problem with this book was the characters. All the characters were underdeveloped and shallow. All of the characters were choppy also. Channie's character was the worst. She was shallow and her reason for doing things in places made no sense. She didn't change, she was spoiled and most of the time I couldn't stand her. Her parents also made no sense. Why change her name to a DARK power-name obviously that would make her worse? Also her interaction with her parents seemed a little flat me. I couldn't feel her wanting to rebel against them all I felt was that she was indifferent to them. Josh was a good character though. I did enjoy him and Elijah quite a bit.