A review by tinkcourtney
Our Perfect Puzzle by M.A. Innes


Note - this book is not a standalone - you'll want to read the first two books in this series first!

This was a great continuation of Bryan and Maddox's story, as they continue to grow into their roles as Daddy and little. In this book, we wrap up their summer staying at B's mom's house, and go back to college, where our heroes have to figure out how to continue their lifestyle with the challenges of roommates and classes and such.

As in the other books, there are both sweet and sexy times. Mad tries so hard to meet B's needs, and it's so fun to watch them explore and grow together. B's reaction to new things is ADORABLE. It's clear these guys are in it for the long haul, and they couldn't be more perfect for each other.

There are some GREAT side characters (including a few that will be familiar if you've read other books by this author) that I'm hoping to see more of. This was a fairly quick and highly enjoyable read.