A review by nikkireads365_
Lesson Learned by Katie Cawood


Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It was almost a read “in a single session” - minus 20 pages haha. The dynamic between Owen and Sarah is filled with angst and tension, and it made for a great slow burn read. I also love the fact that there will be a sequel and some characters will return.

I also really enjoyed the emphasis on student-teacher relationships and how it depicted a needing more love than most type of student. Teachers always have students who make some days a struggle or a challenge, and seeing it displayed in a loving, non-judge mental way was great.

The only thing I feel like I needed in the story was more main character-side character conversations. I get that this was a more Jim-Pam type depiction, but I also see the Janine-Gregory parallels, and wanted to see more of those spiderwebs branching out. Overall, not disappointed either way!