A review by pagesandprozac
Odd Bloom Seen from Space by Timothy Daniel Welch


"if a truth is ever told then no one can ever leave."

i always find it difficult to review poetry because often with poems, it either hits you or it doesn't, and you're never entirely sure why you responded in the way you did. poetry is possibly the most subjective of all literature. is it worth writing a review at all?

but i shall attempt. mostly because i got this from netgalley and you're supposed to review things you got from there.

there were a couple of nice lines scattered throughout this anthology, such as the aforementioned one, but overall i found the writing lacklustre, although that's probably just personal taste; i can be rather picky when it comes to modern poetry. finally, i get that the greek references were supposed to be postmodernist allusions, but to be honest it just felt to me like... doing it for the sake of it, or because he's got greek heritage. it didn't really have much of a poetical effect for me.