A review by artsymusings
Void Black Shadow by Corey J. White


'They think just because these people are criminals they can treat them like they're less than human.'

Ugh, this was so good! Even better than the first. I love how Mars complexity lies in the fact that she can easily kill thousands with a single push of her mind no problem, but still get mindfucked in a prison for a friend out of guilt, misses her pet and wants to help people who can't help themselves. I mean, she goes all out and it is glorious. This book is hard to read, though because feeeeels and physical and mental torture.

Also, Mars is either bisexual or pansexual and hell yes.

I'm so glad there's going to be a third book which sounds equally fantastic but also, I need like twenty more.

Favorite quote: 'I'm doing it because fuck you, because fuck every piece of shit that uses their strength, their power, their privilege to harm those weaker than them.'