A review by chrissymcbooknerd
Spells & Sleeping Bags by Sarah Mlynowski


This series is just ADORABLE!

I think I said that with each of the reviews of the other two books, didn't I?

So, starting with the plot. Rachel has discovered that she too is a witch. She FINALLY has her own magical powers, except she's really not so good at it yet. Her spells are a mess and they always backfire -- but at least the ability is there! She knows that she can zap up a new outfit, a love spell, or maybe even a bit of invisibility if the need arises.

Well, now Rachel and her sister Miri are going to summer camp -- because, of course, that guy Rachel likes is also going to camp, so that's reason enough for a teenage girl, right? Once Rachel settles in, she conjures up a whole new wardrobe and even a spell to straighten her curls -- both of which end disastrously. So, she coerces Miri to secretly train her in the middle of the night. Maybe by the time camp is over, Rachel will have a boyfriend AND a chance at zapping up a more exciting life.

Everything seems great until things start getting really weird at camp. New girl Liana has an unnatural fascination with Miri, along with an uncanny ability to turn everyone against Rachel. First she steals Liana's friends, then her sister AND her crush. Rachel has no idea why this stranger has given herself such a delibrate task of ruining her life. But now Rachel is on her own to unravel this mystery, while trying to teach herself the patience and discipline required to learn to really use her magical powers.

This was such a cute, breezy read and I'm really surprised at how much I'm enjoying this series. I've read Mlynowski's adult-geared chick lit before and LOVED it, so I guess it's really not THAT much of a shock that I like this series too.

I would recommend this series to anyone looking for a light, youthful, fun, and quirky read full of girly magic, crazy friendships, and of course cute boys. I think there is only one other book in this story, and luckily it's up next on my to-be-read list!