A review by scribesprite
Skybreaker by Kenneth Oppel


I nearly forgot I had read the first book which I could very well get in trouble for, seeing how many people love this series. The whole premise of historic fiction with a sci-fi twist to it is starting to have a real appeal to me now. I don't know exactly what they call it though.

Matt is just how I remembered him though he gets a bit obsessive about money, being good enough and all that. Kate is true to her character as well. Things get complicated between them, the captain, and the gypsy. I guess it was supposed to add to the drama. This I didn't quite enjoy but I shouldn't complain too much since it is dealt with sooner or later in the book.

It was well written the pacing was good –not full of action all the time but definitely a good amount. The journey and discovery of the airship Hyperion is exciting. The action is great and I was thoroughly engrossed during those scenes in the book.

For a sequel I think Skybreaker could stand on its own though I would recommend reading [b:Airborn|428042|Airborn (Matt Cruse, #1)|Kenneth Oppel|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1174668473s/428042.jpg|2519210] first and want to read the last for sure.