A review by ezichinny
Hearsay by Taylor V. Donovan


★★½ maybe ★★★.
I had a very hard time getting into the flow of this story and I can't say I enjoyed it.
I didn't connect with Derrick Swain nor Roman Bradford, both attorneys working at Acosta, Bradford & Chadwick, LLP.

In this story, Derrick and Roman had some lunch dates and really connected with each other. Then boom, Roman cut everything off with Derrick with no explanation. The rumor mill at work went wild with stories of why, but either way Derrick had not direct answer from Roman.

When Derrick's best friend (and former homey lover friend) got accused of child molestation, Derrick asks his firm to take Tyler's case pro bono. When Roman takes lead on the case, he began exhibiting jealousy at Derrick and Tyler's closeness. But it's been a year since Roman cut him off, so why the glares? Derrick confronts Roman as to why he acts like he still wants him but won't explain why he ended things?

During the course of the case, Roman finally decides that he wants Derrick back, but will Derrick give him one once he learns what's going on with Roman?

One of the major issues was that it was clear what was going on with Roman, so I had to give Derrick the side eye. considering Derrick and his friends are constantly watching Roman, how could they not know? I also find the writing a tad boring. It just didn't flow and it wasn't emotional enough for my enjoyment.