A review by patriciaeff
Deep Winter by Samuel W. Gailey


Reading Deep Winter makes it very clear that Gailey is a good writer, possibly a great writer. Unlike some authors who switch POV but always use the same voice, each character in the novel has a unique voice; if you opened a page at random you would be able to tell from which perspective you were getting the story. That said, the characters were really one dimensional. Danny is slow, but he's nice. The sheriff may smoke, but that's his only flaw. The deputy is angry; he drinks and does drugs. Carl is cowed by the deputy. None of the characters had any growth throughout the story or seemed to learn anything real. Honestly, I most enjoyed reading the acknowledgements at the end because it was my first chance to just get Gailey's voice, and I want to read more of that. Deep Winter is a fine enough story, but I wish it had been a 90 minute made-for-tv movie where the plot twists may not have been so obvious.