A review by ssjonoyoung
Noah Can't Even by Simon James Green


Like I don't even know what to say. I finished it in one sitting sans the first chapter. So 300+ pages in one go. And I'm not even sure why. There is something about contemporaries that are strangely addictive. I'm not even sure if I really liked this book because I can't decide if it was meant to be funny or whether it was bad. I'm hoping it was aiming for comedy because let me tell you it's hilarious.

Noah thinks the best way to become popular is date Sophie, a popular girl. Then his best friend Harry kisses him at a party. That plot is very simple and actually the entirety of the book is pretty standard, sure some unusual plot twists and fun characters make it a little different but it's just a fluffy contemporary in the end. And after Way of Kings it's just what I needed.

Noah being so confused about his sexuality is the best thing about this book. It wasn't something that he really dwelt on despite him admiring the many males in his life many times over. He just can't accept it because he has this idea how life should be and I hardcore related to that. Like so badly. That was my problem with coming out, it didn't fit in how I thought my life should go. But him and Harry were destined to be together. They are so cute together. Sure they have a lot of downs in this book, mainly because Noah is a fucking social invalid. Like seriously I've never met a character who puts his foot in his mouth as often as Noah. He says stupid shit all the time and everyone is like what are you doing. It's so funny though he's so awkward and at times it is painful but I laughed so hard. So hard.

There is also the whole plot with his mum and I will say it was an interesting dynamic that I didn't feel was fleshed out enough. It felt very one-dimensional even with the shocking revelations of the letters and Eric. Just didn't quite work for me though I like the idea and how it could have been explored more. But that would be more serious and this is a light hearted book. I did like how it approached the Gran having dementia. It was tragic but it wasn't sad, it wasn't like an overly destructive thing. It was happening and they weren't happy about it but they keep going. Noah visits with her were adorable and made a difference from the drama of Noah's life.

Sophie was kind of irrelevant, sure she proves a good friend but seriously y'all hardly know each other. She was a kind hearted girl and I liked the fact she never wavered in her support of Noah. It's like she could tell he needed it. Though she did end up serving the straight person telling the non-straight person they aren't straight trope. Which I don't actually hate as a trope but eh for that.

Harry I think is my favourite character purely because he's an angel. He was protective of Noah he stood up for him and took the crap for it willingly. He stood by him until the memory stick fiasco. The scene where he says they aren't friends made me tear up because I'm weak. And the Connor bit made me tear up to, I wanted Harry to be happy. But with Noah. And thank god the ending was happy for them. Though massively cheesy, everyone got a happy end. Like what horseshit. Noah and Harry didn't need to declare themselves boyfriends or anything but it was still cute. Harry was just an angel, god I need a Harry.

Overall I think my main problem with this book was it's immaturity, it felt very juvenile in the way it dealt with some topics. Which I expected because Noah is socially inept, there were moments he would talk like an adult, a very wise one at that, but interacting with people were a no-no. It was fun and fluffy but still not sure if it was meant to be a comedy or not. Not perfect but certainly not a bad read.