A review by susanarnoldbooks
An Abundance of Katherines by John Green


Let me first say that I have a love-hate relationship with John Green because of his writing style, which I don’t really like. What I love, though, is how easily one can fall into his books and become part of them. I thought that I should put that out there to try to ward off any bias while I write this review.

An Abundance of Kathrines is a book that I had been, for lack of a better word, nervous to read because one of my friends read it and said that she didn’t really like it. I’m glad that Amazon had it on sale for five dollars, or else I never would have bought it and read it and realized that I really really liked it.

Though it starts out kind of slow, and it is rather confusing until you get used to the way that Colin and Hassan speak to each other, once the ball gets rolling An Abundance of Katherines is easily an amazing book. Filled with heartbreak (duh, it’s a John Green book), yearning for adventure and knowing, An Abundance of Katherines pulls at heartstrings in search of the answer for why relationships end the way that they do and why people end up where they are, doing what they’re doing.

With everything from spontaneous road trips, lynchpins that started the First World War to wild boars and pink pickup trucks, An Abundance of Katherines will spark curiosity, if not a yearning to finish the book in three days (like I did).

There really isn’t much that reminds me of this novel because it’s so unique. This could be a bad thing, because Green’s The Fault in Our Stars is usually compared to the Titanic. Or this could be a good thing, because there is nothing out there like it, which means that An Abundance of Kathrines is really, truly its own creation. I would recommend reading it, though. I really liked it, and its unique writing style, even more unique than any other John Green book.