A review by slferg
The Real Jane Austen: A Life in Small Things by Paula Byrne


The author came up with some ideas about Jane's thoughts and feelings that I don't agree with (my privilege as a reader). She does make some interesting observations on Jane's life and interests looking at her letters and her books.
Where she states that in "Mansfield Park" that Tom was obviously homosexual,I reread the book to see what I missed. I only saw that Tom was idle, overly fond of his own ideas and a dandy in dress like many other men of that period. He enjoyed his own pursuits and was careless of other people's feelings and ideas. I didn't see the homosexuality at all in what she stated.
Neither did I see Jane's morbid fear of death in childbirth. She mentions it a lot in her letters, but it was something that happened a lot to women she knew in that time. She often made unkind remarks about women with many children, but she enjoyed her nephews and nieces.