A review by ddejong
This Beautiful Truth: How God's Goodness Breaks Into Our Darkness by Sarah Clarkson


3.5 stars - I have followed Sarah on Instagram and heard her on a decent number of podcasts, and I really enjoy her gentle tone, her literary sensibilities, and her love for beauty and wonder. This book was a nice opportunity to hear more of her story, particularly her experience of living with OCD. I struggled with the organization of the book—initially it seemed almost chronological as a memoir of her life but then did some zigging and zagging. I think ultimately it was supposed to be somewhat topical but the flow didn’t quite work for me. Sarah’s book has a thesis, and yet it’s decidedly not intended to be didactic or proof text-y. Her writing is very flowery and for me can feel cloying at times, but I also know from listening to Sarah that much of the language she is using in her writing is actually consistent with how she speaks as well. In all, a book I enjoyed but that might have benefited from some tightening up of both form and content.