A review by pidgeon
Fathomless by Jackson Pearce


Fathomless is about two girls, the first is an "ocean girl" named Lo who has lost her memories of her past life as a human who tries to hold on
to as many memories as her human self while fighting the change of forgetting her past completely and becoming another
ocean girl like her "sisters" who were also once human but have ended up like Lo and have forgotten their human past and embraced their new ocean life.
The second girl is Celia. Celia has a special power of being able to see someone's past just by touching them. She along with her two sister who also have a power,Jane can see someone's future and read minds, and Anne can see someone's present. They're all parent-less triplets each with a unique power.

One night a boy named Jude falls off a pier and into the ocean, he begins to drown but instead of drowning him, Lo decides to save him and bring him to shore. There she meets Celia who was also trying to save the boy. Celia accidentally touches and reads Lo's past and finds out that her name is Naida, Lo's previous human name. From there on Celia comes back to the same spot where she and Lo both saved the boy, to try and figure out who Lo was in her human life, and what she is now.

I received this as an ARC, and I was so excited when I received it in the mail. A few chapters in I got bored, and annoyed. This was like a mismatched re-telling of the Little Mermaid. I felt like the story was all over the place with all the different paranormal characters, especially
Spoilerthe werewolves who actually kidnapped the girls in the ocean and turned them into what they were. For what exactly? The author never explained why, and it made me really frustrated. What was the point in kidnapping girls, murdering their twin in the process, and then throw them into the ocean?

Another thing that bothered me was Lo's/Naida's double personality narrative. It got on my nerves, especially near the end when Naida tells Celia to not trust Lo, but then Lo says to not trust Naida. It was so confusing and I dreaded any chapter with from Lo or Naida's POV.
Despite what other reviewers think about the ending, I think it was flat and boring. It was obvious that
SpoilerCelia wasn't going to die like her sister predicted, and neither did Lo. However, I was glad that Lo didn't magically become a human all of the sudden and be able to walk on land without and pain.

2 stars just for an interesting plot idea.