A review by raven168
Fury of Surrender by Coreene Callahan


This series has me conflicted. I am loving the story line and can never wait to find out what happens next and where things are going. However, the couples are really starting to annoy me. It's not their fault though. I am just getting ticked off at how every single time each couple meets, they fall in love within a day (maybe a little more if we're lucky) when they don't know anything about the other. Except that they're possessed by an undeniable lust where all they can think about is jumping the other. I'm sorry, that does not form a solid base of love.

I liked Hope. More so in the very beginning, but still. Although she may seem in control of everything, she's not. When she was in college, her twin brother went into the campus library and killed a lot people before he was killed. It has definitely traumatized her, but her father makes it worse. A military man, he always pushed her brother too much, but he blames Hope for not seeing this coming. And so does she. With the anniversary of this just around the corner, she needs a distraction. One provided in spades when Mac and Angela come back from the dead and show up at her door.

I have liked Forged since the beginning, and he didn't really disappoint. I especially liked how he was able to prioritize things and make himself leave Hope when he needed to help another. The Nightfuries need to know why Forge's head is being called for by the Archguard. The secrets are buried in his head, but no matter what Bastian does, he just can't get to it without a terrible whiplash. With little other options left to them, they seek out human help in the form of Hope. Maybe hypnotherapy will work. At this point, it can't hurt to try. Forge was not informed of this though, and is blindsided when Hope arrives at the house. For more than one reason.

I knew it was going to be hard keeping Hope in the dark about the truth of what's going on, but I was definitely curious to how it would go. Considering the reason Hope was brought there, there actually never is even one therapy session. Because she is Forge's mate, the link between them provides the information they need. Just not in a way that Forge would have liked. Dragged into his nightmares of the night he lost his family, Hope experiences everything he did at that time. More importantly, she breaks thru what he has been blocking and he can finally remember everything. So it urked me some and made no sense when the book ends and he doesn't even tell Bastian. Wasn't that the whole point of this book??

It was inevitable that Forge would have to tell Hope the truth of what he and his brothers are, but when he realized something he has to do it right away. In the beginning of the book, we're told how Mac's tattoo has been hurting him and glowing red. Then out of the blue a huge explosion rocks the place when something comes crashing in and right into Mac. We know what it is, but all the warriors have no idea and are helpless as they watch Mac slowly deteriorate. They find nothing in their archives and know the answers can be found in another. It's while trying to capture Hamersveld for these answers that Forge gets his clue. And not a moment too soon.

Ivar has been working hard on finding a cure for his disease. With not a lot of luck. What I don't really get is how it has spread so far so fast. I thought the whole point of Venom going into the water supply and pushing himself like he did to last house was to prevent exactly this. Anyway. He finally gets it after many failures and rushes to the hospital. What he witnesses there hits him so much harder than he ever thought possible. Especially when he gets to the infants. When Ivar gets home, he can't stop himself from going across the street to Sasha's despite what happened last time. Good thing too, because somehow she had caught his virus. Now he finds himself caught in her web again with no idea what to do or why he thinks of her the way he does.

On the other side of the world, Rodin has managed to spin his lies and get the ruling he has desired. It wasn't easy, but sadly even Dragonkind can be bought. It's going to be open season on the Nightfuries and I can't wait to find out what happens next.

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.