A review by literally_laura
Greybeard by Paul Christensen


This is undoubtedly the hardest book I have ever reviewed. I WANT to give it 0 stars and treat it like the vile bit of racist, homophobic, insane vitriol it is. For the sake of fairness, I'll put my personal morals aside.
The writing itself is well done, and the action flows well. I HOPE this story is not a reflection of the authors actual beliefs, but rather the story of a broken man, driven insane by drugs and imprisonment. It certainly reads like the MC is stuck is some sort of delusion, or possibly a very bad acid flashback. I expected something more magical and less... I don't want to say schizophrenic and be derogatory towards the mentally ill, but it really does seem that way.
Greybeard is either completely insane or completely disgusting. He believes that "Invaders" are taking over Germany- presumably African or Middle Eastern ethnicities. He repeatedly mentions how much they stink and at one point actually calls them "rape monkeys", accuses them or planning to infect all Germans with AIDs and actually eating other humans. This book, despite being short, was incredibly difficult to finish and even harder to stomach if taken seriously.