A review by dansquire
The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir by John R. Bolton


This book was an absolute snooze-fest. It's like reading meeting minutes, not a memoir of an intelligent, interesting person. For all the media hype, I cannot discourage you from reading this book enough. It's recounted without any real wit or engagement, just 600 pages of he-said-she-said.

I had seen some of the snippets of scandalous revelations which were posted about what was included in the book beforehand. But instead of titling those articles "5 most startling things in the John Bolton book", they should have titled them "the ONLY interesting things in the book". So Trump is whiny and indecisive behind closed doors. Big whoop - we all already knew that. You might as well just read the news coverage, and you'll get all the key info without having to spend days/weeks ploughing through this monotonous drivel.

This book is a total cash-in by Bolton, written to absolve himself in the historical record. While it does offer a first-hand source for future historians, it doesn't offer anything interesting for contemporary, casual readers. I'm glad I borrowed the book rather than putting money into his pocket by buying it outright.