A review by novelvisits
The Second Home by Christina Clancy


Note: I received a copy of this book from St. Martin’s Press (via NetGalley) in exchange for my honest thoughts.

All in all, I liked The Second Home quite a lot. The Cape Cod setting and dysfunctional family dynamics both appeal to me. Clancy did a great job establishing that sense of place and love for a family home. The family’s vacation home in Welfleet reminded me of summers spent on my grandparent’s cattle ranch in California.

“The sun was beginning to rise, and a layer of yellow like a line of highlighter shone at the crease of the horizon. The wind pushed the cold off the ocean to shore and made her hair whip around her head. She could taste the salt on her lips. She liked being there early. It made her feel like she had the world all to herself.”

The family itself felt mostly genuine to me, though when communication is so poor for so long, as it was with this family, it always gives me pause. The biggest flaw in this story of a family torn apart by secrets was its villain. He was a terrible man and all the characters knew that, yet they believed every unlikely lie he told them. For me, that felt false and required some suspension of disbelief. Still, I was entertained by The Second Home and was always eager to get back to reading. I knew where the story would end up, but remained curious of the path toward getting there. It’s a beach read, but with a serious tone.

Original Source: https://novelvisits.com/june-mini-reviews-a-trio-of-debuts/