A review by lauren_powerup
Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt by Chris Hedges


I will not engage in the current round of "you're doing it wrong" lefty criticism that seems to be on the rise in recent years. I am weary of reading critiques in so many progressive rags which rip apart the campaigns or initiatives of others. Critique is good, debate is good but c'mon can we get to what we should be doing and away from the ceaseless lists of "what we should not be doing".

I have not written a book which exposes the absolute horror visited upon various communities by our corporate leaders. Therefore I will not spend this review nitpicking all of things that I did not like. I am glad that Hedges and Sacco wrote and published this. And they must have readers for whom this is their first exposure to these issues. My "Yay you" and (conscious choice on conjunction used) is, I wish there was a bit more of the Sacco comic narratives and a bit more connect the historical dots/corporate policy dots from Hedges. Hedges' polemics may wear a bit on some but shouldn't it all make us this screaming mad?