A review by thebooktrail88
Absolute Proof by Peter James



Ooh the locations in this book will make your head spin! (in a good way)

Peter James I do love your books and still have Perfect People as my favourite. This is my new favourite. There’s something delicious about a conspiracy theory book and this one looks at the existence of God. Someone claims to have absolute proof that He exists.

Now I’m not religious by any means and I suppose you will get something different out of this book depending on what you believe, but this is still a riproaring thriller which questions the existence of God. Fast paced and action packed. I just loved the way in which there was an actual trail to follow with map coordinates and everything! The geek in me rubbed my hands with glee,going from one place to another, map in hand and legends falling from the pages.

There’s a lot to like in this book – maps, manuscripts, monuments, monks and murder. Think the 5 M’s might be an idea for an alternative title.

Subject wise it’s a bit Dan Brown but it’s definitely got the Peter James stamp of gold on the front. It’s clever, addictive and a race around the world with locations and legends dripping out of the pages.

There IS Absolute Proof that this is a thriller you won’t want to miss!