A review by crtsjffrsn
Measure of Strength by C. Faron


When Jason and Kale parted ways - well, when Jason sold Kale at Kale's insistence, to be more accurate - neither of them ever expected to see each other again. Kale expected Jason to move on and find happiness and Jason was so guilty over what he thought he did to Kale, he would never think about trying to ever find him again. But when Jason, who has been anything but happy, finds Kale working as a labor slave in a mill owned by his wife's family's company, he thinks he might have an opportunity to try to make things right. He certainly doesn't expect the two of them could go back to where they were before, but he never intended for Kale to end up as a labor slave and he can at least set that right. But when the two of them are under the same roof again, will they really be able to deny the feelings they had for each other that never truly went away?

I absolutely adore these characters even if I found myself frustrated by them at times (both in the first book and in this one). Caethes Faron has created a world that, while very different from our own in many ways, is one that readers will certainly appreciate getting lost in again and again.