A review by mousie_books
Shockwave by Paul Ruditis


As a shuttle from the Enterprise lands on a mining colony, the atmosphere ignites killing all the colonists. All signs point to an engineering malfunction or crew error. The Soval, the Vulcan Ambassador, sees this incident as yet another sign that humans are not ready for space, and recommends the Enterprise be grounded.

This book is a novelization of two part episode of the season one finale and the season two premiere. I don't remember watching the episode although the scene where Hoshi gets volunteered to crawl in the ducts seemed familiar because they joke that she's the size of a child. I remember thinking that it didn't make sense to send the claustrophobic linguist when T'Pol was about the same size. (I looked it up; they're both around 5'6'', which really isn't that small. :p ) Then laughing my ass off when someone made a pointed glace at T'Pol's ample boobage. Maybe I misremembered and that part was just my mental improvement or... they reused the bit.

Anyway, the plot is very... convenient, and I didn't like the writing either. There was too much explanation as opposed to demonstration. It felt very simple, like a children's book. It was short and fast, but not very interesting.

Random fun fact. I read started this book almost ten years ago, and got about halfway through. It had a hold receipt dated September, 21, 2002 for the Compilers book stuck in it as a bookmark, which is a little strange because I think I took compilers in Spring 2004... I remembered nothing at all about the plot, so I started over.