A review by booksandpajamas
A New Hope, by Alan Dean Foster


“Someday you're going to have to learn to separate what seems to be important from what really is important.”

Twenty years after the birth of Luke and Leia, the Empire has risen. Darth Vader, being in control, is trying to destroy every last piece of the Rebellion.
When Luke receives a cryptic message from a beautiful princess held captive by the Dark Lord, he knows he has to save her. Together with his father's old master Obi-Wan Kenobi and a smuggler named Han Solo they get to the Death Star by accident. With nothing but courage and his father's old lightsaber, Luke tries to save the princess, but faces all kinds of dangers right in front of him.

I have to say that I liked the movie more. It felt like they didn't do Han much justice in this book. On screen he was so sassy and I really loved that and in the book it wasn't really noticeable.
Then again, I liked to know and read more about Luke. I liked to read things from a new perspective. George Lucas didn't fail on this one, but he did better with the movie. It just lost a lot when transferred to the book, which I didn't really feel with the first three. Perhaps I'm a rare prequel lover. Don't murder me for that.