A review by just_fighting_censorship
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Vol. 1: Terrorformer, by Robbie Morrison


This volume just does't measure up to Titan's other current DW titles ([b:Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor, Vol. 1: Revolutions of Terror|22130104|Doctor Who The Tenth Doctor, Vol. 1 Revolutions of Terror|Nick Abadzis|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1443623153s/22130104.jpg|41476473] & [b:Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor, Vol. 1: After Life|21870611|Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor, Vol. 1 After Life|Al Ewing|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1413132434s/21870611.jpg|41161389]).

Both stories, a terraforming gone wrong and an evil alien posing as a goddess, were pretty generic. The second story throws in a lesbian character, which is notable, but it does little to make the story more interesting.

While the Doctor's characterization was lacking, Clara's was pretty on point (unfortunately). I'm not sure why 10 and 11 get new companions in their titles, but we're stuck with same old Clara Oswald.

Overall, this was a disappointment, nothing to see here. Forgettable.